Stephan auf Rally

We have already been able to recruit many ambassadors, perhaps you too?

Brand Ambassador

We would like to proudly introduce you to our dedicated brand ambassadors who are passionate motorcyclists and use our RideLink WingMan and RideLink app every day. Our ambassadors are experienced adventurers, cycling enthusiasts and technology experts. They all trust our products to optimize their rides and enjoy the ultimate motorcycling experience.

From exciting journeys on two wheels to challenging bike races, our ambassadors represent the diversity of our RideLink community. You rely on the RideLink WingMan to always find the right path and to concentrate on what's important: riding your motorcycle. Our RideLink app provides you with valuable data and statistics to improve your performance and ensure the optimal driving experience.

Our RideLink family is all about the passion for motorcycling. With our innovative products and state-of-the-art technology, we want to share this passion with you and help you get the most out of your motorcycle adventures. Join us and experience the freedom and excitement of motorcycling with RideLink!

Never Ride Alone

Valle on Tour

Valentin Müller, better known as "Valle on tour", is an avid globetrotter and motorcycle enthusiast who explores the world on his trusty BMW GS. His personality is characterized by an infectious sense of adventure and a positive attitude that always leads him to new routes and undiscovered places. Valle is not only a motorcyclist, but also a committed ambassador for travel and the beauty of nature. His passion for motorcycling and discovering foreign cultures is reflected in each of his inspiring travel reports that he shares on social media and his blog. A true adventurer, Valle doesn't shy away from challenges and is always ready to venture into unknown territory. His commitment to exploring new routes and creating authentic experiences inspires his many followers to follow their hearts and experience their own adventures. With his BMW GS as a reliable travel companion, Valle focuses on sustainability and a sense of responsibility on his trips. He shows how you can travel the world without polluting the environment and encourages others to be more conscious and respectful of our nature.

Chainbrother Jens Winkler

Jens "Chainy" Winkler is a passionate motorcycle lover who runs a successful YouTube channel called "Chainbrothers" in his free time alongside his day job. On his channel he reviews motorcycles and accessories while sharing his extensive knowledge of riding techniques to find the perfect line on two wheels. Jens' authentic and personable vlogging style attracts viewers and inspires them to discover and enjoy their passion for motorcycles. In addition to his enthusiasm for motorcycles, Jens also has interests such as hunting, which makes him a versatile and inspiring personality.

Mike on the Bike

Mike on the Bike is a full-time adventurer who explores the world on his BMW GS. His unwavering passion for motorcycling and discovering new places makes him a captivating storyteller. His gripping travel reports and inspiring vlogs share the beauty and challenges of his adventures. Mike connects people through his passion for motorcycling and shows that the world has endless possibilities to explore on two wheels. Join him on his epic journey through the wonders of this world and be inspired by his passion for life.

Joels Wonderworld

Joel Golöcke fell in love with motorcycling thanks to Valle's inspiration and uses it as a therapeutic tool for his depression. Despite his inner struggles, he has found a source of healing on the motorcycle and openly shares his experiences and challenges on social media. His story is a symbol of strength and survival and encourages others to find light and hope in motorcycling during difficult times. Joel shows that life can be lived despite all obstacles and that motorcycling can be not only a hobby but also a transformative force that touches the soul and strengthens the connection to nature. With determination and a positive attitude, Joel inspires us to explore the potential of motorcycling as a path to self-discovery and healing.


The "Rhönschrat" is an enthusiastic navigation specialist who explores the breathtaking Rhön region daily with the RideLink WingMan on his Ducati Monster. His expertise in navigation allows him to discover the most beautiful routes and viewpoints in the region. The Ducati becomes his faithful companion on adventurous rides through the picturesque Rhön landscape. His passion for motorcycling and expertise inspire others to discover the beauty of nature and find the best routes for their own adventures. With the RideLink WingMan as a reliable navigation partner, motorcycling becomes an effortless and enriching experience that combines the love of navigation and the joy of motorcycling. The Rhönschrat shows us that true adventures are often right on our doorstep and the right technology can help us discover the world on two wheels.

Klaus "Rhöni" Eckert from

Klaus "Rhöni" Eckert, a former motorcyclist, is now a passionate scooter rider and operator of the "Scooter Friends" forum. He shows that scooters are not slower and shares his enthusiasm to strengthen the scooter community. Klaus encourages others to appreciate the freedom and flexibility of riding a scooter and to enjoy the riding experience to the fullest.

Matthias "Viking" von Motolobby

Matthias "Viking" is an enthusiastic motorcyclist who, in addition to his demanding job, spends a lot of time on his tuned Yamaha. For him, his motorcycle is not only a means of transportation, but also a source of freedom and balance in his busy life. As a loyal and reliable person, Matthias is always helpful and there for his friends and family. Despite his demanding job, he finds the time to follow his heart and live out his passion for motorcycling. With his tuned Yamaha and his warm-hearted personality, Matthias "Viking" embodies the essence of motorcycling - freedom, adventure and the joy of connecting people. He inspires others to live their passions and shows how one can find balance in life despite challenges.

Daniela und Flo von wir2aufabwegen

Daniela und Floh, ein abenteuerlustiges Schweizer Pärchen, teilen die gemeinsame Leidenschaft für das Motorradfahren und entdecken die Welt auf ihrer Honda Africa Twin. Inspiriert von Valle on Tour, folgen sie der Sehnsucht nach Abenteuern und verbringen ihre Zeit auf zwei Rädern. Mit ihrer Honda Africa Twin als treue Begleiterin setzen Daniela und Floh ihre eigenen Reiseziele und erkunden unentdeckte Landschaften. Das Motorradfahren ist für sie nicht nur eine Freizeitaktivität, sondern eine Lebensweise, die sie mit Valle's inspirierenden Geschichten verbunden hat. Das Pärchen teilt die Begeisterung für das Entdecken neuer Orte und den Adrenalinkick auf unbekannten Wegen. Sie stärken ihre Verbindung zueinander und zur Natur, während sie unvergessliche Momente auf ihrer gemeinsamen Reise erleben. Daniela und Floh sind das perfekte Beispiel dafür, wie das Motorradfahren Paare verbinden und gemeinsame Abenteuer ermöglichen kann. Mit der Inspiration von Valle on Tour haben sie den Mut gefunden, ihrer Leidenschaft zu folgen und das Leben auf zwei Rädern in vollen Zügen zu genießen.

Himmi BMW Forum

Himmi ist ein begeisterter Technik-Narr und der Betreiber des BMW Motorrad Forums R1250. Seine Leidenschaft für technische Raffinessen spiegelt sich in seiner Hingabe zur BMW R1250 wider. Als Experte teilt er sein Wissen und seine Begeisterung für die Technik hinter diesen Motorrädern mit Gleichgesinnten in der Community. Im Forum dreht sich alles um die neuesten technischen Schnickschnack und Innovationen, die diese beeindruckenden Maschinen zu bieten haben. Himmi ist eine Quelle der Inspiration für andere, die sich für die technischen Feinheiten von BMW-Motorrädern begeistern und ihre Leidenschaft für das Motorradfahren und die Technik teilen möchten.